Friday, December 30, 2005

the cedar lake

floating in a lake.
night. dead quiet.
water is a sheet of endless black.
cradling brown cedar clinging to skin.
slide beneath the surface and fall asleep looking at the blurry moon above.
words and photo © 2005 by k. all rights reserved; nothing may be reproduced without written consent of theeverlastingfunstopper

<<< come >>>

So, your eyes are closed. I'm proud of you. Perhaps if you ate the fucking bark like I told you, you'd still be able to look at yourself. I never wanted to fuck it all away, but the distortions made it painful and orgasmic. Well, welcome to hell, you rotten fuck. I hope the trees tear away from their roots, leaves screaming for water, coming for you where you sleep. And crush you. Blind you. Murder your lust and lick your wounds. This is what you asked for -- so allow me to shoot myself in your mouth. What do you think of your filthy God now? Lost and twisted, celebrating your desire for things you will never have. Punished. Slightly melodic. Totally hypnotic. Under those trees you see above, I lie naked, bruised and wanting, breathing shallow and hard as rock. Come find me. You'll be sorry.

words and photo © 2005 by k. all rights reserved; nothing may be reproduced without written consent of theeverlastingfunstopper

the birch in the woods near the dry lake in which i drowned my sense of belonging...

photo © 2005 by k. all rights reserved; nothing may be reproduced without written consent of theeverlastingfunstopper

arch street

photo © 2005 by k. all rights reserved; nothing may be reproduced without written consent of theeverlastingfunstopper

Friday, December 16, 2005

the barking of dead dogs

photo © 2005 by k. all rights reserved; nothing may be reproduced without written consent of theeverlastingfunstopper